Akron-Summit CVB - Video Amplification

Akron's skyline at sunset

The client produced 20 short-form videos around four content themes: Coffee, Beer, History and Downtown Hotspots. Each video featured one attraction or restaurant in the area. The campaign ran January-March, which isn’t a typical leisure travel window.

Industry: Non-profit / Tourist Information Center

Objective: Build brand awareness and travel intent using video assets

Target Audience Focus:  Potential day trip and overnight visitors in Ohio and the Pittsburgh, Indianapolis and Detroit DMAs.

Strategies Implemented

The campaign included three tactics:

Social Video Distribution: We served all 20 videos to frequent travelers via Meta and allowed the campaign to auto-optimize to serve the videos with the best response rate the most.

Thematic Video Distribution: We grouped videos by theme and served a carousel Meta unit to frequent travelers whose interest also matched the theme of each ad set. 

Device ID Video: We served one thematic video set (Downtown Hotspots) to people who had recently visited campus buildings at the University of Akron or Kent State University.



Social Video Distribution: Combined, the 20 videos gained 370,879 ThruPlays (at least 15 seconds viewed) at an average cost of less than 1 cent per ThruPlay. The most successful videos were in the coffee and downtown themes. 

Thematic Video Distribution: This set of video carousel units delivered a cumulative 40,876 clicks to the client’s site, with an average cost of 15 cents per click. The best performing carousel was History, which saw the least ThruPlays when targeting a general traveler audience. 

Device ID Video: The downtown hotspots videos were served as online pre-roll, and had an outstanding 1.24% clickthrough rate.


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